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Are the enlightened ones chosen? Do people choose to be asleep?
First ask, “what is an enlightened one?” A being who absolutely identifies with God — indefinitely experiences their true identity. If consciousness is a mirror — then an enlightened being is a mirror with no dust, smudges, or dirt that obstructs the clarity of the mirror (when the mirror is clear you see… yourself!). What does it mean to be chosen? To be chosen means you have chosen yourself — committed yourself to, as Ram Dass would say, “polishing the mirror.” Everybody is chosen always. It’s up to the individual to accept or deny their chosen status (both paths produce their natural results). Now, well-known teachers like Jesus and Buddha had special missions to carry out, but that doesn’t mean they are “more chosen” than anyone else. And we all have our own special missions to carry out — some are just “flashier” than others. There are many, many enlightened beings that walk among us and the general populace has no idea.
So, the enlightened ones are beings who accept their chosen status and did the work of polishing the mirror. Of course some beings are more “pre-disposed” to enlightenment than others (this is harder to understand and involves God’s grace and will), but that doesn’t mean they are more capable or chosen than anyone else. If you’re ever feeling poopy because you don’t feel enlightened and you want to be, just…