Member-only story
Bring Awareness to this Spiritual Pitfall
What is the origin of the craving for solitude?
Choosing to be alone to avoid drama is another way of saying: The fewer people you interact with, the less you will suffer.
Let’s unpack this. Let us first remember that True Liberty comes through form, not in spite of it. It is a tragedy to make the great leap over the chasm thinking you have the wings to fly when you neglected to see that you still only have legs. We grow our wings by accepting the fact that we have legs — and then using them to serve others.
Yes, solitude is crucial to spiritual development. But it is key that solitude is balanced with interpersonal interaction. So much of the joy we experience in life are shared experiences involving many different people.
Most people are tasked with the purpose of interacting in the market place of Life. And at some point, their journey will naturally take them into prolonged solitude like that of monks or gurus. Careful of this trap: You get tired of all of Life’s “Bullshit” and you find yourself saying, “Screw all this! I’m just going to go off and be a monk! Or Jump off a cliff! Live on a remote island! Get away from it all!” That is to say that you are so tired of Life that you want to escape from it all. Well, call it by name — you aren’t tired of life, you’re tired of suffering. Let go of…