What do people do in Heaven?

Sebastian Calmes 🌞
4 min readJul 3, 2024


Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

Think of heaven as less of a physical place and more like a state of consciousness. Heaven and hell are states of consciousness. Heaven and hell realms are created based on your choices and spiritual evolution. Heaven and hell exist now, while you’re in a body, and also when you leave your body. This is because consciousness doesn’t end when the body dies.

Jesus told us that what we loose now, will be loosed in Heaven. Which means that what you experience after you drop your body is dependent on the progress of your spiritual evolution in your life. If you make bad choices in life but accept God at the very end — that’s good, but there’s still karmic debt to be paid. Faith in God is necessary, but because God is a just God, what you do matters — you will always reap what you sow. An aspect of faith in God is faith in God’s justice, faith that you and others will reap what you sow. So in life, only having faith in God is not enough. If you aspire to realize a heaven-like consciousness, you must make the choices that produce heaven-like consciousness… And of course, have faith in God.

Imagine what Heaven looks like…

Most, including me, often picture clouds, a kingdom, family, light, all of our loved ones, a place of no suffering. A lot of this imagery has to do with programming and what depictions of heaven we’ve been shown or read about. What if I told you that heaven can literally look like anything. What heaven looks like is only limited by consciousness’s ability to create some reality, whether that’s physical, astral, or multi-dimensional — even things that I don’t even know how to talk about. These same ideas apply to creating hell realms. The ability to create reality like this is heaven itself — again, heaven is a state of consciousness. Also, heaven can be described as an emotion. The emotion we feel when we are absolutely identified with God — no separation, ego, or distinction.

One of the Truths of God and the Universe is that anything, literally, anything is possible. There are no bounds. There are no limits. It’s forever. How does God do this? In a similar way in which we imagine, think, or dream things. Think of an apple. If you were absolutely identified with the Lord, you could manifest an apple just by thinking of it. This is a similar way God creates. Just thinking of it. Or in the Bible’s flavor: the WORD. “In the beginning there was the WORD…”

So if heaven is a state of mind, what do people do when they are in this state of mind? The answer is simple, but how it’s carried out is far beyond me. Someone who is in Heaven is someone who is perfectly identified with the Lord. This is a hot take but this means that not everyone is going to “Heaven” just by having faith, believing, or accepting Christ. Remember, God is just. So he will always give us the results of our works. Faith and works determine if we realize heaven-like consciousness.

Someone who is in heaven is someone who is absolutely pure. This is possible because he who is in heaven is, again, absolutely identified with the Lord. God’s will, which is the action, play, and cause and effect of the Universe fulfills the purpose of creating scenarios in which Love, Joy, Art, and Satisfaction can be realized and experienced (among other things). I’m reaching the max of my knowledge/experience with what I’m saying here and I’m open to being wrong. I also mean no disrespect to you Lord, God.

It’s important to understand that nothing stops. God is everlasting and eternal — and because God is us, we don’t end (how we perceive ourselves will change throughout this journey). So really, heaven is not an end, but rather a beginning.

There’s another important point I need to make. There’s no such thing as eternal damnation in “Hell” as a punishment. That’s an idea created to magnify fear in people, which winds up giving people power over others. Think about how you can gain power over people by making them afraid. Eternal damnation is possible, but it’s based on one’s choice to continuously, eternally not own up to their karmic debt.

Lucifer himself would be forgiven by God if Lucifer chooses to repent, pay his debts, and commit to making better choices. Remember, God is perfect in his forgiveness. This is so important to understand. Eternal damnation only exists as a self-punishing choice. If you’re genuinely sorry, pay your debts, and choose to do better — you can “come back into grace,” even if you’re Satan. God is perfect in his forgiveness. He can forgive everything. It’s just up to the individual if they wish to seek reconciliation. It all comes down to choices. What will you choose?

Thanks for reading. email me if you’d like to chat or have questions: sebastiancalmes@gmail.com.

Keep Making Love!



Sebastian Calmes 🌞

Intuitive Empowerment Coach. Email sebastiancalmes@gmail.com for session inquiry. Phone, virtual, or in-person (Lexington, KY). Donation based.